Where Does Magu Spawn In Monsters Of Etheria. Tarabi is a Basictype Etherian It mutates into Tanukama at level 35 Its large body is a result of it storing plant seeds within itself which it can then spit out to grow its own food supply If desperate it will mess with people by consuming their personal belongings only regurgitating them if food is given to it in return Tarabi is a small brown colored creature based off a Tanuki.

Braybug is a Bug/Basictype Etherian It mutates into Equoon at level 20 and then into Mulegant at level 38 The bottom of its hooves are extremely adhesive allowing it to stick to any surface and climb up walls This and the fact that it only needs to be fed grass makes Braybug a popular Etherian for hauling goods over long distances of uneven terrain and even mountain ranges.
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How To Get Magu In The Monsters Of Etheria Remapster Update Youtube
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