Seven Segment Display. Here is a typical usage application for this driver in order to initialize a sevensegment unit instance and read a temperature sensor’s value and write it to the 7segment display And also note that the seven segments main function is called from the SysTick timer interrupt handler once each 5msec.

Each seven segment display has a total of 10 pins 5 pins on the upper side and 5 pins on the bottom side The middle pins of both the seven segments are internally connected and can be connected with a 5v or GND depending on the type of seven segment display If it’s a common anode type then this pin will be connected with 5v or else it will be connected with the.
Arduino Common Anode and Common Cathode seven segment display
Seven Segment Display Display Device Arduino Electronics Integrated Circuits Chips Display Angle White Electronics Png Pngwing
7 Segment Display Interfacing With STM32 Multiplexing