Safiye Sultan. Muhtesem Yüzyil Kösem With Hakan Sahin Cemal Günbas Sener Savas Nurgül Yesilçay Anastasia a young Greek woman in Ahmed I’s harem takes on the name ‘Kosem’ (leader pioneer) In a world of men she rules of the Ottoman Empire through her sons and grandson.

Safiye Sultan’ın Venedik’e desteği kendisine verilen rüşvet ve hediyeler dönemin İstanbul elçilerinin raporlarına kadar yansımıştır Onun sözünü tutan güvenilir bir kadın olduğunu ifade eden Venedik elçisi Matteo Zane elçilerin kendisine hediye vermesini beklemeden kendisinin almak istediği şeyi onlardan talep ettiğini belirtir Venedik Safiye Sultan sayesinde.
Mihrimah Sultan Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Mihrimah Sultan (turco otomanoمهر ماه سلطان pronunciación turca (mihɾiˈmah suɫˈtan) (1522 25 de enero de 1578) era la hija del sultán otomano Solimán el Magnífico y su esposa Hürrem Sultan [1] El nombre de Mihrimah Sultan es también deletreado Mihrimah MihrîMâh MihrîaMâh or MehrîMâh Nació en EstambulMehrîMâh en turco significa Sol (lit clemencia.
Nurbanu Sultan Vikipedi
The sultan‘s wife Safiye was a member of the Baffas one of the great families of Venice She was held captive and brought up as a Muslim in the palace However the ship that brought the family and wealth of the deceased governor of Algeria to Istanbul was captured by Venetian pirates and those inside were brutally murdered A depiction of Sultan Murad III.
Muhtesem Yüzyil: Kösem (TV Series 2015–2017) IMDb
Safiye Sultan Önce gelen Ayşe Hafsa Sultan Valide Sultan 15 Aralık 1574 7 Aralık 1583 Sonra gelen Safiye Sultan Önce gelen Mihrimah Sultan Kadınlar saltanatı 7 Eylül 1566 7 Aralık 1583 Sonra gelen Safiye Sultan Sayfa en son 1914 7 Ocak 2022 tarihinde değiştirildi Metin Creative Commons AtıfBenzerPaylaşım Lisansı altındadır ek koşullar uygulanabilir Bu.
The Dark Queen Safiye Sultan Being The Ultimate Evil Queen
Hafsa Sultan Wikipedia
Safiye Sultan Vikipedi
Mighty sovereigns of Ottoman Empire: Sultan Murad III
Ahmed I. – Wikipedia
Safiye Sultan Wikipedia Halime Sultan
Halime Sultan was born in 1576 to an Abkhazian noble Şoloh Bey from the family of AkuçLakerba Her personal name was Altunşah (meaning “Golden king”) She had a sister Feride who was the mother of Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan wife of Sultan Ahmed I and mother of Sultan Osman II Halime married Mehmed III in 1589 During Mehmed’s reign her stipend consisted of 100.