Raspberry Pi Telegram Channel. This method works on all Raspberry Pi models with the newest Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) Method 1 Before installing Telegram Desktop you´re going to have to update your Pi by opening up the terminal and typing sudo aptget update sudo aptget upgrade Once you´ve done that you´re going to have to reboot your Pi in order to apply the changes by typing sudo reboot After that open up the terminal and type the following command sudo apt install libminizip1 qt5imageformatsplugins.

bin/telegramcli k tgserverpub Now you can use some commands to send Messages / Pictures / Videos or add Contacts An overview of the commands can be found here Add Contact add_contact Example add_contact 4917612345678 Raspberry Pi Send Message msg Text Example msg Raspberry_Pi 'Hello this is a test'.
Telegram Messenger on the RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi Tutorials
The pictures will be sent to your telegram bot channel wherever you are You can also add some “scare away” tactics like trigger an alarm sound or a prerecorded voice message Supplies Raspberry Pi SD Card Raspberry Pi power supply PIR sensor Pi Camera Speaker (optional) Generic mobile camera lens (optional) Configure Your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi DIY Intruder Detector System With Telegram
Hardware SetupSetting Up The BotCode ExplanationOutputThe hardware setup is fairly simple for this project We will be using 5 different LEDs to represent the different appliances at our homes You will have to make the connections as shown below 1 Connect the positive terminals of each of the LEDs to pins 31333638 and 40 2 Connect the negative terminals of all the LEDs to the ground rail of the breadboard For this step you need to open the Telegram appIn the Search bar type BotFatherOnce you open the chat you will have to follow something like this If you would like to clone this code from GitHub you can find it here 1 First let’s import all the required packages 1 Next we will have to setup our logger This logger is required to view any errors that take place during runtime 1 Now let’s create a device dictionary that matches the name of the device to the pins that they are connected to 1 Now we can define our first command 1 /start This command will just send out the following text Hi! run /help to view the commands 1 command 2 /listdevices This is the command that lists out all the devices (from device_dict) for the user to know what devices are connected 1 command 3 /help This command will list out all the available commands 1 command 4 /switchon This command switches on the appliance based on the argument passed by the user We can read the argument with the help of ” “join(contextargs) 1 command 5 /switchoff This command helps us switch off any appliance that has been turned on 1 Finally Thank you for reading!! Hope you learnt something new about telegram bots as well as home automation Leave any comments suggestions and questions in the comments section below I will answer them as soon as possible Happy Learning !!.
How To Ssh Into A Raspberry Pi In 3 Easy Steps
Telegram Bot With Raspberry Pi Hackster.io
How to install Telegram Desktop on your Raspberry Pi Tech
Home Automation With Telegram and Raspberry Pi IoTEDU
Step 1 Open Telegram app in your system or mobile Step 2 Setup Raspberry Pi Step 3 Install TelegramBot on Raspberry Pi Step 4 Run the Python Code Step 5 Connect LED to Pi Step 6 Send Command Schematics Code Credits.