Pariah Set Eso. Type Overland Set bonus (2 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health (3 items) Adds 1487 Armor (4 items) Adds 1487 Armor (5 items) Increases your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by up to 10206 based on your missing Health Current value 2373 Name Mark.

Pariah is a set that I just shrugged off the first time I saw but it is actually a very strong set for PVP it offers health a lot of resistances and you can get jewelry in any trait 13 Reply.
Mark of the Pariah Set Elder Scrolls Online Wiki
Mark of the Pariah is a Heavy Overland Set in The Elder Scrolls Online Mark of the Pariah Overland 2 items Adds 1206 Maximum Health 3 items Adds 1487 Armor 4 items Adds 1487 Armor 5 items Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by up to 10206 based on your missing Health.
Mark of the Pariah Set — Elder Scrolls Online
Where do you get pariah gear in eso? Mark of the Pariah is part of the Orsinium DLC and drops in Wrothgar in the Overland content You can also find it on Guild Traders Each set item is bound on equip You can acquire heavy armor jewelry and weapons for this set in the Malacath motif style Is Mark of the Pariah set good?.
Pariah nerf — Elder Scrolls Online
Pariah is the strongest defensive set in the game since its inception It is definitely not niche While it was not popularized like sets like Transmutation etc it is a quite common defense set by many 1vXers and duelists even before the nerfs to other defense sets202107012020070720180607.
Daily Set Discussion Meritorious Service Elderscrollsonline
Where do you get pariah gear in eso? – Runyoncanyon
Mark of the Pariah: ESO Set Guide Linear Defiance
ESO Pariah Farming Blackwood YouTube
ESOSets Elder Scrolls Online Sets
Online:Mark of the Pariah The Unofficial Elder Scrolls
Pariah Set Mark of the ESO Hub Elder Scrolls Online
Pariah Mark of the [Daily] Set Discussion:
How to get Pariah Ring Arcane! — Elder Scrolls Online
Scrolls Online Sets Mark of the Pariah Elder
[Daily] Set Discussion: Mark of the Pariah
Pariah ESO Sets & Skills ArzyeL Armory Mark of the
A 5 pc set + 3 IC Jewelry + 2 Monster + 1/2 Maelstrom Master The 5 pcs Orsinium sets that have Jewelry fit in general with the common 552 set up two full sets + 2 Monster pcs High level the Pariah set seems to fit But the devil is in the detail And the detail of the Math is just not enough value.