Mirazur Logo. Mirazur Rahman | Logo & brand identity designer Hire me I am available for freelance project Email mirazur48@gmailcom WhatsApp +8801741909766 | Connect with them on Dribbble the global community for designers and creative professionals.

Casting visions of the European seaside Mirazur roughly translates to “looking out at the blue ocean” The undulating surface with refined imperfection captures just the right amount of light over a modern and vibrant color palette An exceptional choice for a range of applications and styles Mirazur brings fresh upscale style to any space Sustainably [].
Mirazur Hamilton Parker
« Au Mirazur nous avons la chance de travailler avec une équipe jeune et cosmopolite ce qui engendre une grande émulation culinaire L’échange et le partage ainsi qu’une vision holistique de la cuisine font partie intégrante de notre philosophie.
Steadily ascending The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list since its debut at No35 in 2009 Mirazur celebrated 10 years in the ranking by rising to No1 The accolade coincided with the restaurant finally achieving the coveted three Michelin stars as well as the beginning of a threeyear renovation project involving a new dining room extensions to the vegetable gardens and a more immersive.
Mirazur Wikipedia
Upwork Freelancer Mirazur R is here to help Professional Logo | Graphic | Brand Identity Designer.
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Mirazur The Restaurants 2019 World's 50 Best Ranked No. 1
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Mirazur R. Professional Logo Graphic Brand Identity
Mirazur is a restaurant in Menton France rated with three stars by the Michelin Guide The restaurant is run by Argentinian chef Mauro Colagreco who previously worked with Bernard Loiseau Alain Passard Alain Ducasse and Guy Martin He opened Mirazur in 2006 at the age of 29 Dress code NoneStreet address 30 avenue Aristide BriandHead chef Mauro ColagrecoCity.