Mesin Loader. The loader type is a Kubota LA 240 has a height of 71 inches has a clearance dump bucket of 52 inches a dump reach of 26 inches a dump angle of 45° a rollback angle of 29° a breakout force of 992lbs and a bucket width of 48 inches The backhoe type is a Kubota BT 601 of 48 inches a weight of 617lbs a taking depth of 73 inches a breach from private of 103 inches a loading.
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Its job is to hold the water while the inner drum (in a frontloader) or the agitator (in a toploader) rotates Unlike the inner drum the outer drum has to be completely watertight—or you’d have water all over the floor! The two drums are the most important parts of a clothes washer but there are lots of other interesting bits too There’s a thermostat (thermometer.
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