M Sternocleidomastoideus. Begrenzt wird der Nacken nach vorne im oberen Teil durch die Hinterseite des Musculus sternocleidomastoideus und im unteren Bereich durch die Vorderseite des Musculus trapezius Nach oben setzt man als Begrenzung die Linea nuchae superior des Hinterhauptbeins an und nach unten die Pars transversa des Musculus trapezius Damit entspricht die Nackenregion.
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The digastric muscle (also digastricus) (named digastric as it has two ‘bellies’) is a small muscle located under the jawThe term “digastric muscle” refers to this specific muscle However other muscles that have two separate muscle bellies include the suspensory muscle of duodenum omohyoid occipitofrontalis It lies below the body of the mandible and extends in a curved.
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Anatomie (Oudgrieks ἀνατομή (anatomé) ἀνά (aná) op open en τομή (tomé) snede) is de tak van biologische morfologie die de structuur en de organisatie van organismen behandelt Men onderscheidt zoötomie (dierlijke anatomie) en plantenanatomie Dieren De belangrijkste takken van anatomie zijn de vergelijkende anatomie en de menselijke anatomie.
Musculus latissimus dorsi Wikipedia
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the USA and Canada by Hasbro Inc and the rest of the world by JW Spear & Sons Limited of Maidenhead Berkshire England a subsidiary of Mattel Inc.
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The neck is the bridge between the head and the rest of the body It is located in between the mandible and the clavicle connecting the head directly to the torso and contains numerous vital structures It contains some of the most complex and intricate anatomy in the body and is comprised of numerous organs and tissues with essential structure and function.
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шеи. Анатомия : Мышцы
Anatomy, Head and Neck, Neck StatPearls NCBI Bookshelf
Anatomie Wikipedia
Cervical disc disease and difficulty swallowing
Nacken – Wikipedia
Digastric muscle Wikipedia
Músculo esternocleidomastoideo – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia
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