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PT L’Essential memiliki sertifikat GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) untuk industri obat (CPOB) dan industri kosmetik (CPKB) untuk menghasilkan produk yang aman berkhasiat dan berkualitas Seluruh produk yang kami hasilkan adalah halal sesuai dengan LPPOM MUI dan didaftarkan ke BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) untuk memperoleh izin edar secara legal.
L'Essentiel Collections Makeup ⋅ GUERLAIN
Pt L'essential is a skincare and cosmetics manufacturing company It offers moisturizer beauty whitening cream acne toner facial wash suncare cream toner AHA and BHA cream and other products The company caters to the skin health and beauty sectors Show more Employees 228Type PrivateFounded 2004Website lessentialcom.
L’Essentiel the foundation reinvented by Guerlain Beauty demands no compromise Because you should not have to choose between what you want and what you need Guerlain Research has created L’Essentiel which combines Performance & Naturalness Make Up & Care Perfection & Respect Instant & Durable Perfectly sealed in pure objects of.
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Strictly Limited Editions L'ESSENTIEL philosophy is simple ralentir réfléchir réunir low down reflect and reconnect We’re as enthusiastic as ever about supporting local Cognac makers farming families and exchanging our ideas with our neighbours.
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