Font Character Set. A font family is typically a group of related fonts which vary only in weight orientation width etc Macintosh or Windows computers eg fractions ligatures or some accented glyphs The goal was to deliver the whole character set to the customer regardless of which operating system was used The size of typefaces and fonts is traditionally measured in points point has been.

The phrase ANSI character set has no welldefined meaning and has been used to refer to the following among other things Windows code pages a collection of 8bit character sets compatible with ASCII but incompatible with each other especially those code pages that are partly compatible with ISO8859 most commonly Windows Latin 1 Windows1252 is referred.
set_font PyFPDF
If you’re just changing formatting at the inline level like a phrase in a different font or something you can do that with character styles Those are applied at the run level If you really do have that many different paragraph styles I’d be interested to hear more about your use case It would be unusual in my experience to have ten out of paragraphs each having unique.
Typeface Wikipedia
A font is a complete set of characters—letters numbers and symbols—that share a common weight width and style In addition to the fonts installed on your system in the standard location for your operating system After Effects uses font files in this local folder Windows Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts Mac OS Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts.
Set paragraph font in pythondocx Stack Overflow
Values are separated by commas to indicate that they are alternatives The browser will select the first font in the list that is installed or that can be downloaded using a @fontface atrule It is often convenient to use the shorthand property font to set fontsize and other font related properties all at once You should always include at least one generic family name in a font.
Making An Msx Font
windows set gvim font in .vimrc file Stack Overflow
Format characters in the Character panel
Cascading Style Sheets fontfamily CSS: MDN
Wingdings 3 character set and equivalent Unicode characters
Change the character or font size BrotherUSA
ANSI character set Wikipedia
I am using gVim 72 on Windows 7 I can set the gui font as Consolas 10 (font size) from the menu I am trying to set this in vimrc file like below set.