Doesn T Artinya. She doesn’t know she doesn’t care TAPIIIIII S+ to be (is am are) bisa diikuti verb jika verbnya sudah ditambah ing Karna verbing itu juga disebut dengan gerund atau noun Dan di case ini bisa juga sbg simple present cont Nah utk itu coba pelajari lagi apa it Lanjutkan Membaca Persamaannya Samasama kalimat negatif Samasama kalimat present Perbedaannya I’m.
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Jeanette has asked about the difference between don’t and doesn’tThese are negative forms of one of the most important verbs in English My colleague Kory Stamper an editor of the Learner’s Dictionary responds Both don’t and doesn’t are contractionsDon’t is a contraction of do not while doesn’t is a contraction of does not and they both act as auxiliary verbs.
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Annisa doesn’t accelerate his video artinya Annisa tidak mempercepat videonya contoh kalimat simple present negatif dengan accelerate Chrisye’s mother will accelerate his wedding nect week artinya Ibu Chrisye akan mempercepat pernikahannya pada minggu depan Contoh kalimat dengan kata accelerate pada simple future They will not accelerate their car.
Penggunaan do, don't, does dan doesn't ~ Fortysix English
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