B&K Pulse. Modern circuits and systems can require a variety of signals for characterization and testing B&K Precision offers a wide variety of signal generator models to cover the spectrum of needs from the costsensitive educational budget to highend R&D labs B&K Precision’s selection of signal generatorsboth handheld and benchtopwith a frequency range up to 120 MHzinclude.

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If most of the action happens within 01ms you need a sampling rate around 100kHz Some rounds are VERY fast thus the Military demanding 192kHz rate for accurate data thus an impulse of 005ms is going to get sampled accurately The 256kHz rate for the B&K is a little more safety margin REAL WORLD DATA.
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Model 4033, 50 MHz Pulse Generators B&K Precision
PDF fileConfigurations of one or more LANXI modules and frames are easily managed using a front end browser via the PULSE Frontend Setup program You can select modules and frames access the modules’ homepages change IP addresses flash the modules’ LEDs update firmware etc IP Addresses Each module has its own builtin network interface.
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