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The Egyptian screening of Marvel superhero film Eternals was cancelled on Tuesday just as it was due to hit the screens nationwide after a number of Gulf countries pulled the film from cinemas.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is heading full speed ahead into the SpiderVerse which based on the film’s teaser trailer is full of early 2000s nostalgia Our friendly neighborhood superhero.
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It is the twentysixth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the seventh installment of Phase Four Mcu Eternal On Instagram Eternals Promo Art Note Posting This Late Cuz I Don T Want To Get Attacked By Dmca Bots En 2021 The film is set to be released on November 5 2021 The eternals marvel The Eternals are a race of godlike beings locked in a millenniumold conflict.
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Eternals: Egypt bans Marvel film from cinemas Middle
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